On Sunday 1 October 2017, more than 844 people were injured by the Spanish police forces while they were voting in the referendum for the self-determination of Catalonia, not recognised as legal by the Spanish Government.
Horitzó Europa – UEF Catalunya is calling upon members of the public and the organisers of the large demonstration that will take place in Barcelona on 11 September to bring, hand out and fly European flags.
On Thursday, November 17th, 2016, Horitzó Europa celebrated its general assembly. After some months in a low motion, our association decided to open its assembly to non-members in order to reintroduce it and reset it.
We have tremendously sad news to share with you: Elena Rodríguez-Espinar, “la nostra Elena / our Elena”, passed away on 2 March 2016. It is impossible to express with words how much she meant to all of us. And how much she has contributed to our association and humble pro-European efforts over the last ten years.
The Schengen system, together with the euro and the single market, are the most advanced and visible achievements of European integration.
Avanti Europe! is a new online citizens’ movement aiming to inject creativity and dynamism in the search of common answers to common European challenges. We are establishing an online platform to mobilise millions of citizens across the continent on key European issues using innovative communication campaigns and participative tools to give European citizens a voice and change the state of play in Europe.
On 24 January 2008, twenty-nine citizens committed to Europe met in Barcelona to constitute the association Horitzó Europe, an organisation created to explain and spread the European project in Catalonia and to involve the citizens in the process of building a federal European Union.
The Catalan Government has appointed Roger Albinyana as the new Foreign Secretary. With a strong political profile, Albinyana (Barcelona, 1981) will assume the Government’s main liaison to the world in a moment when Catalonia’s international relations will play a crucial role. With a Degree in Economics and Business Administration, Albinyana is a founding member of Horitzó Europa and is member of the National Council and International Coordinator of Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya. He was founder of the Cercle d’Estudis Sobiranistes and is connected with the European Liberal Party, whose youth branch presided between 2004 and 2008. Horitzó Europa wishes him good luck and a great successes in this new and important position.
The European Union is going through tough times.
The vote by the Federal Committee of the Union of European Federalists (UEF), gathered in Warsaw on November 18th 2012, confirmed Horitzó Europa as a candidate to become member of the Union.
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