Paneuropean campaign for a revision of austerity policies in Greece
Avanti Europe! is a new online citizens’ movement aiming to inject creativity and dynamism in the search of common answers to common European challenges. We are establishing an online platform to mobilise millions of citizens across the continent on key European issues using innovative communication campaigns and participative tools to give European citizens a voice and change the state of play in Europe.
Avanti Europe! is starting its activities with a first campaign aimed at engaging European citizens to show solidarity with the people in Greece and call for a revision of the existing austerity measures in Europe. This online campaign was launched on the 25th of March 2013 (Greek National Day) and it will end on 9th of May (Europe Day). It runs simultaneously in Germany, France, Netherlands, Spain, Italy and Greece. The campaign consists of a video clip and a petition text that will lead to the Avanti Europe! website and social networks, developed in 7 different languages. The results will be disseminated to European decision makers.
You can find more information at their website, Facebook and Twitter.